Most diets for women over 40 fail, and not just a little bit. They’re not just ineffective—they’re downright damaging. You’ve probably felt it yourself: the cycle of starting a new … Read more
How can you experience instant transformation?
I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of instant transformation, meaning, having a moment in your life when things just “switch” and you’re never … Read more
How much willpower do you need to use to break a bad habit?
Over the last year I’ve stopped a lot of bad habits.
I actually wouldn’t call them “bad”, it’s just that I wanted to stop them so that I could improve … Read more
How can I make my healthy habits permanent?
I recently got back from a solo camping trip in Rocky Mountain National Park, and upon returning I noticed something interesting.
To set the scene, I’m a very habitual person. … Read more
Does “Eat less, move more” work?
“It’s easy”… they say
“Just eat less, and move more”… they say
Well, if it was that easy, why do so many people struggle to lose weight?
Glad you asked.
Eating less and moving more are outcomes. … Read more
How do I fix my weight “problem”?
When I talk to people about their struggles, something I really try to drill home is that your weight is not the problem.
This isn’t always easy to understand, as it’s easy to associate … Read more
Why doesn’t setting a goal weight by a certain date work?
You know how it goes.
You have your current weight. And you have your goal weight.
Then you decide how many pounds per week you want to lose until you get there.
If all goes to plan, you’ll … Read more
How can I more easily implement a healthy habit?
On my coaching call the other day someone asked about how to implement a very specific healthy behavior.
And it got me thinking about how we tend to focus on the wrong parts of behavioral … Read more
Why should I make my health and fitness goals more process focused?
The way we set health & fitness goals is wrong.
The standard approach forces us to get overly focused on the outcome.
When this happens, it’s easy to get frustrated, as progress … Read more
Why is it so hard for me to form healthy habits?
The struggle to create healthy habits is real. But that’s only because most people approach behavior change the wrong way.
Have you ever played around with two different magnets? … Read more